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Server Armour
Protect your server! Auto ban known hackers, scripters and griefer accounts, and notify server owners of threats.
Free2.83.7 Oxide Carbon
$ Oxide Carbon
CombatLog Info
Collects combat log entries, and submits them to SA for analysis.
Free1.0.13 Oxide Carbon
Server Armour Updater
Automatically updates plugins from
Free1.0.10 Oxide Carbon
Auto Demo Record
Automatic recording based on conditions.
$ Oxide Carbon
Free0.0.8 Oxide Carbon
Extra Seating
Allows extra seats on minicopters, attackcopters and horses
Free1.1.2 Oxide Carbon
$9.991.0.0 Oxide Carbon
ESP Detection
Records a demo of suspected ESPers
$ Oxide Carbon
Free1.0.1 Oxide Carbon